Incredible websites and proven digital marketing

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No Fluff... Just Facts with Trackable Results


Keywords Ranked on Google


Average monthly value delivered


Average increase in website traffic

Incredible Websites and Proven Digital Marketing

Get in touch

Royal Oak, MI

Experienced, Creative & Passionate Professional

Since 2008, I have been an expert in building WordPress websites for business owners. I understand that as entrepreneurs, we face numerous challenges, but there’s nothing that we cannot handle together and I'm here to help you.

A Proven System

I have developed a marketing system that is tried and tested, and I can confidently guarantee results.

Solo Agency

Unlike big companies, I am a one-person operation, and when you work with me, you get my undivided attention. I am fully committed to helping you grow your business, and with me, you can rest assured that you’re in capable hands.

Results achieved for my clients

0 /monthly KWs

Average keywords ranked for clients each month

$0 /monthly value

Average value of keywords brought to clients each month


Percent of clients that rank on the 1st page of Google for more than their company name.

0 1st page KWs

Average keywords on the 1st page of Google for my clients

Ohdfkeywordgraph dark

How Does Your Website Compare?

How many keywords does your website rank for on Google?
What’s the value of those keywords?
How does the history of your website relate to keywords and their value?

How do your competitors' websites rank?

How much money are you leaving on the table with missed opportunities every month?

Html web design code for developers and designers 2023 11 27 05 28 34 utc

Free Website Evaluation

I will review your website and evaluate its on-page SEO. This includes analyzing the keywords your site ranks for on Google and assessing their value. If you have competitors, I can also compare your website to theirs.

Simply fill out the form below to receive a free SEO evaluation of your website.

By clicking Register, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted our Terms and Conditions.

Case Studies

Businesses we've helped get more clients & increase revenue

Find out how we can help you increase sales and make more money!

Zero To Hero

Top Spot - Page One

Successfully secured the top spot on the first page of Google for a Detroit tarp manufacturer’s primary keyword. Additionally, the website ranks for over 914 keywords monthly, with an estimated value of $4,320 per month.

Detroittarp 3vs casestudy

Model of Excellence

Zero to 1,604 keywords

Simon is a perfect example of the results of simply publishing posts once per month (step3) on a website that supports publishing like WordPress (step 1).

Simon plc w seo metrics (1)

Build it Right...

And They Will Come

This insulation contractor wanted to target insulation services “near me”. For website SEO internet marketing that means creating and optimizing webpages for the services and then the cities.  As you can see here, this works very well when done correctly.

Dana w seo metrics

How It's Built Matters...

WordPress Websites are King

Here’s another example of building a website simply with step 1 of our system. We built this website with WordPress and optimized it for the services across various cities (near me). Keywords jumped from 53 each month to 1,453 currently per month. 

Ohdf w seo metrics